Does anyone else want to see a 5 string Phoenix bass?

dirt bag
Come on bitches, make a 5 string Phoenix bass. I would buy one in a flash.
blistered earth

how the fuck old are you

dirt bag

Look I was kidding. The thread is for bass player who would like to see a five string Phoenix simply meaning the body style is worthy. I respect your right to disagree.

blistered earth

dude i didnt disagree i merely tried to resolve a possible arguement and next thing i know youre insulting my bassist i personally would love a pheonix 5 as well as 5s of the ones twizted named (id also love 7s of em tho)

dirt bag

I'm glad you said so, we can push for those too in another thread. ESP does care what we think.

dirt bag

These basses have just started to hit the stores, there is not even one on line store customer review yet. But I think it will be a hit and worthy of 5 or more stringdom. Lets face it there are alot of ugly bass bodies out there and it's not so easy to come up with something great and totally original in that department.

blistered earth

ive never been an ax fan but maybe if it were a 7


ive never been an ax fan but maybe if it were a 7

I havent either...well its mainly the weird headstock that makes me not like it lol but yeah a 7 would make it cooler.

Also sorry for highjacking your thread dirtbag lol

dirt bag

Just played a gig with a new bass, Sorry it wasn't an ESP. It had EMG HZ passive pick ups in it and they were awsome. ESP you should think about offering them in a Phoenix 5 String.


Just played a gig with a new bass, Sorry it wasn't an ESP. It had EMG HZ passive pick ups in it and they were awsome. ESP you should think about offering them in a Phoenix 5 String.

what was it?

dirt bag

Spector Mike Kroeger Model


nice, heard nothing but good stuff about spector

blistered earth

thats actually a great bass

Borked Bob

OP == Moron.

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