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Orkun ASCII liked the product ARROW-1000

Orkun ASCII liked the comment on ARROW-200
The Arrow 401 has EMG's and it's already setup with a Floyd Special for about the same price you would pay to have EMG's installed after buying the Arrow 200 and adding the pickups.......MORE »

Orkun ASCII posted a comment on the product ARROW-200
i am about to buy this beauty, but i couldnt find any videos or decent photos on web. can you share some? thanks......MORE »

Orkun ASCII liked the comment on ARROW-200
Hi Orkun, Yes it is possible however we do not offer any changes on the instrument when you purchase it from us. You may be able to ask your dealer if they can help you change the pickups. There is plenty of room for a......MORE »

Orkun ASCII posted a comment on the product ARROW-200
hi, i want to replace its pickups with EMG’s. is it possible? does it have enough space for battery?......MORE »

Orkun ASCII became friends with GuitarBeastKing

Orkun ASCII liked the article Coming Soon: ESP Lockdown Rockdown
Heads up, ESP All Access Community! We know that many people around the world have dealt with being under "stay at home" orders, and as musicians who like to get out and jam, it's not been very fun just noodling away by......MORE »

Orkun ASCII liked the comment on Kirk Hammett Sparkle Ouija Collection
OMG......MORE »