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Update: Well I got my new Interface(Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen 2) for my PC to record with and it works great. I just use Acid Music 10 as my recording software for now, it seems to work all right with it. I got recording software with the interface bundle(Ableton Live 10 Lite)but it's not very user friendly, there's a learning curve, so I'm slowly learning how to use it, I'll stick to Acid for now, I already know how to use it. I'm slowly cutting tracks using drum loops I've downloaded, I spent to much time trying to learn the new software and should have just stuck to Acid. The guitar tone sounds great on the final product(mp3)I wish there was a way to upload mp3s to this website so y'all could check it out. I've mic'd the Code 50 with a SM 57 and ran that to the interface, I plan on micing the full stack later to get that real tube sound. Rock on ESP!!!! Comment

Jshannon3 posted a comment on the group ESP E-ii owners

got any pics????......MORE »

Jshannon3 updated his profile status

Update: Well I finally took a break from playing guitar, thought I would give the home a little break, even though I hate taking breaks and have a personal mission to defeat guitar silence. Believe you me, I still have some Slayer playing in the background so silence didn't win, just because the ESP E2 M2 Urban Camo Guitars have stopped squaking doesn't mean silence has won, there still will be some Slayer or Megadeth in the background, you better believe that. And don't think this silencing of the guitars will be long, no, no. It will be short lived because I'm already chomping at the bit to turn the full stack on. Rock on ESP!!!! Comment

Jshannon3 became friends with Vicio Starbreaker

Vicio Starbreaker

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Update: Well I didn't fry my roommate's brain with non-stop heavy metal music, he's pretty tough, I guess. But I continued to play my guitars and he slept right through it, thanks to some heavy duty sleep meds, and lack of sleep from the night before. I just continue my onslaught of radical guitar playing, heavy metal carnage through the waking hours of the night, catching a power nap here and there. I'm learning Slayer tunes: Blood Red and Expendable Youth, I know Expendable Youth already, just polishing up on it. Also working on an original called Falling Down played in Eb also. I ordered me a recording rig from Zzounds, a USB interface, with recording software, mic, headphones, cables, cost me 180 bucks, hopefully I can put it to good use on my PC. I should get it by Saturday, its coming 2 Day delivery. I can start recording some of these originals I have mustering up in my brain, and putting drum and bass tracks with them. I'm still slaying on my ESP E2 M2 Urban Camo guitars they are always a mainstay of my sonic attack on silence. Rock on ESP!!!!! Comment

Jshannon3 became friends with Matt C.

Matt C.

Jshannon3 became friends with krpec


Jshannon3 became friends with horace l.

horace l.

Jshannon3 posted a comment on Jshannon3's profile

"The Twins" sounds like a set of titties, but it's not you horndogs.  It's a set of 2 guitars, identical, almost, the paint jobs are a little different, only dad can tell them apart, and the fact that their tuned different.......MORE »

Jshannon3 updated his profile


Jshannon3 replied to the forum post New EC-1000... this bothers me...

Yeah, that would bother me too, dude, I just got my second ESP E2 M2 Urban Camo guitar and I made several nut measurements, with calipers, to verify everything was square on the nut.  I didn't pay 1799.99+tax for less than......MORE »

Jshannon3 updated his profile


Jshannon3 replied to the forum post its my Esp Eclipse II Real or fake? Help

Cool man, enjoy your new toy,  I hope it brings you years of musical tones! ......MORE »

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post its my Esp Eclipse II Real or fake? Help

Those frets have hardly any wear on them.  They still have good shape to them.  You must have got the guitar from someone who didn't play much, or was a beginner and didn't know what he had and given up playing.  I was......MORE »

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post its my Esp Eclipse II Real or fake? Help

I'm looking at the ESP 2006 catalog and they have an exact picture of your guitar in it.  It's an Eclipse II VB, it lists all the specs for it, you can check it out, it's on this website under support, product archives, you......MORE »

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post its my Esp Eclipse II Real or fake? Help

You got a pretty good deal, seeing that a comparable Eclipse Black Satin E2 would run you about 1899.99+tax, and you even got an ESP Standard, probably a better guitar than the E2 and worth a little bit more, and the guitar......MORE »

Jshannon3 updated his profile


Jshannon3 updated his profile status

Update: Well it's official, I'm driving everyone crazy here at the home with my guitar playing! I just can't put my ESP E2 M2 Urban Camo guitars down, I mean I switch from the Full Stack Marshall to the Mini Marshall(Code 50) at 830 pm, quiet time? Still, I think my roommate is gonna have a stroke if he hears me play another lick, I've been playing all day long through the full stack, down low, mind you, not cranked, but at a moderate level. Now it's quiet time and I've switched to the Code 50, and I have it turned down, you can't hear it outside our door, but my roommate can hear it in our room, if he starts jerking around, I'll put headphones on, you know, save a life or two. Music is beautiful, heavy metal is even more majestic...HA HA Comment

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post First E-II, dissapointed

I absolutely have faith in the ESP E2 M2 Urban Camo line of guitars, I've received 3 of them(I have 2, 1 got stolen and replaced) from ESP(Zzounds, AMS) and all 3 were flawless, and I nitpicked the hell out of each one of......MORE »

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post The balls hanging off of some people

Yeah, that thought crossed my mind("My roommate"), but my roommate is 76 years old and an old Marine vet, he's a proud American, he can barely walk too, I seriously doubt he had anything to do with it.  The person that did......MORE »

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post its my Esp Eclipse II Real or fake? Help

How much did you pay for that Eclipse?......MORE »

Jshannon3 replied to the forum post Horizon FR-7 Binding discolor

Man it's all about how the guitar plays and sounds, that would be the factor to send it back for me.  I'm all about asking for some money back too.  But man, if the guitar plays and sounds sweet, one minor blemish isn't gonna......MORE »

Jshannon3 became friends with Page Hamilton

Page Hamilton

Jshannon3 became friends with Chris S.

Chris S.

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Update: I've been working hard at studying music theory, scales, the music staff itself(note placement), and other tidbits of info I can find on the internet. I can pretty much name a chord just by looking at(with my cheat sheet of course)some are easy, some are hard. I take tests all the time on naming chords. I got like a 75% average, not bad. I still have to refer to my cheat sheet a little bit when I'm looking at notes above or below the music staff. I can remember the treble cleft staff FACE and EGBDF and of course middle C, but I've yet to find a way to remember the Bass cleft staff. It is ACEG and GBDFA, there's no little saying or word to phrase with those letters, and when you go above or below the staffs you have to count out the notes referencing one of the above notes, whichever is closer, and if it's on the line or in-between lines. Every time I sit down to transcribe sheet music into tab, I always have my little cheat sheet with all the notes laid out so I can whiz right through the transcription. Well that's what I've had on my mind this week, I learned Disposable Heros by Metallica this week too, cool huh? Rock on ESP!!! Comment

Jshannon3 became friends with Jason Aaron Wood

Jason Aaron Wood