Dann Feltrin
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Dann Feltrin became friends with joao b.

Dann Feltrin liked the product E-II ECLIPSE

Dann Feltrin liked the article ESP Welcomes Joe Duplantier (Gojira) to Artist Roster
Over the past nearly 50 years since ESP opened our doors, we’ve been blessed with some of the world’s most respected and influential guitar and bass players who chose to be part of our artist endorsee roster. The latest......MORE »

Dann Feltrin liked the product M-200DX

Dann Feltrin liked the article What’s New with ESP for 2023?
Usually when we get to January of a new year, members of the ESP community and guitar fans around the world have already been tipped off on our plans for new ESP, E-II, and LTD guitars and basses. However, the world has gone......MORE »

Dann Feltrin became friends with Mikel Patrick C.

Dann Feltrin uploaded a photo

Dann Feltrin uploaded a photo
That moment when you need to sell ALL your guitars because you're moving to another country... Bye Brazil... HELLO, CANADA!!!! \m/ Hope I can find a job quickly and have money to buy LTD guitars again...