Blu W.
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Blu W. became friends with Amir Hossein Veghar Farahnak

Blu W. posted a comment on the product EC ARCTIC METAL
This is my next LTD.......MORE »

Blu W. posted a comment on the video Will Adler (Lamb of God) Unboxes his New ESP USA Eclipse
I'm happy for you Will. What a beautiful and magnificent ESP guitar.......MORE »

Blu W. liked the article ENGL Amp Spotlight: Metalmaster 20 E304
Let's imagine that you like metal... probably a pretty good possibility. Now let's imagine that you need an amp that doesn't a) take up half your room in size or b) weigh 17,000 tons. Still with us? Maybe you're even......MORE »

Blu W. liked the profile status Check out my Van Halen - Little Dreamer guitar + bass cover, featuring my ESP...
Check out my Van Halen - Little Dreamer guitar + bass cover, featuring my ESP LTD Elite ST-1 :