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Bill Trepkowski

So many things can effect the sound, like the wood or even the shape...I've recorded ideas before, deciding I would use a certain guitar only to realize it didn't sound quite as I expected. Picked out a different guitar and got exactly what I wanted. Also, I like the idea of having additional guitars pre-tuned to different tunings, so I don't have to waste time messing around with re-tuning them. Also nice to have backups handy in case of something like a broken string, where I don't have time to change it.


For most people yes

Rob Marshall

Yes 1 is enough, if you're the occassional hobbyist.  

erin r.

Need 4 

Travis L.

thats like saying if one pair of underwear are enough lol

James S.

one guitar ? who ever heard of such a thing.

Mark J.

I play in different tunes so when we have a gig I must have more guitars.