replacement passive pup for Alexi 200

Hello everyone. Obviously I'm new and need some advice. What does everyone recommend as a replacement pup for an Alexi 200? I want PASSIVE pups as I don't want to mess with batteries. I was thinking of a DiMarzio D Sonic or an EMG H4A. When I get the new pup I want to tune to drop C. Thanks.

i would stay away from the passive EMG, i have heard good things about the D Sonic, and also about the D activator. I currently have a Duncan SH-6 in my viper and it does NOT hold the lower tuning very well, very loose sounding. that said, id check out some Dimazios


I was also thinking about buying some D'Addario super light 7s for my drop C and just using them all but the 9. My friend did this with some DRs and said it sounded pretty sweet. Thoughts?


Not sure about the strings, but the D-sonic apparently does wonders to basswood. I was considering doing that to mine too.

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