Joseph H.
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I’m gonna buy this for my next guitar! It’s a beauty and it’s fantastic! Not expensive either!

Ed B.
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How much does this one weigh?

I have an ec1000 that weighs 8lbs 10 oz which sounds/feels great. Played a 7lb 9oz ec1000 that didn’t sound as rich

Amir Hossein Veghar Farahnak

What the beautiful creature 


Markus T.
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Tried one, but it colored my fingers black! Any idea why it happened? Is there some coloring used on the fretboard, or is this caused by Elixir strings?

James K.

Oh yea mine is being shipped to me right now !!!  In all of its Tobacco Sunburst goodness !!! It is a beauty !!!

Anthony B.

So how is it?