Rorry M.

this is a player's guitar. the action is very impressive and the way its made with the through neck and mahogany body give it an amaizing platform. out of the box its geared for metal and rock styles, and the coil split feature lets you hit those authentic older classic tones. unfortunately it did have 3 cosmetic factory flaws that didnt get caught during the 55 point inspection which did hurt a bit, especially when you spend over a thousand dollars. the second issue is finding a case. i went through sweetwater and have already returned the case the sent as it didnt fit. ive had the guitar for a month and cant get a case to protect it, not cool. if there is a direct purchase option let me know 

Carl N.

Typically sweetwater will let you return an instrument if you are dissatisfied, I take it you kept the guitar?  The model of case for this instrument is here, this should have been the case the dealer had sourced for you.  I should note that our cases are very tight when new, and it may seem the case doesn't fit your guitar but there is a trick to getting them in the first time.  Place the treble side of the instrument in first then press the bass side in, you're not going to hurt the instrument and the case will form to it's body after use.

Rorry M.

thanks for the quick reply. the issue is getting that model. we originally tried the mh/hk/m/h which doenst fit the high left horn or the higher left body cut.

Adam C.

A floyd rose version with Fishman Moderns would be a must buy for me!

Carl N.

Thanks for the insight Adam!

Pedro B.

What is the finish on the neck?

Carl N.


Mo H.

You guys really took all the feedback from the original H3-1000 that I left. Well done! This guitar looks... incredible. Must own it!

Carl N.

Hey Mo, we'll be waiting for your order.

Hekate's flame

Really wish there were an EMG version.

Carl N.

Thanks for your feedback Hekate!