Jessica B.

I've wanted one of these since they were first released.

Finally ordered one in March 2023 and waited 8 month for it to arrive in Australia.  

Although I'm pretty disappointed that there is a small ding/crack in the finish, I don't want to go through the hassle of returning it and possibly waiting almost another year for a replacement.

That said... This thing plays like a dream. Feel is amazing! The neck on it is exactly what I look for!

Damian J.

This guitar single-handedly made LTD/ESP my favorite guitar brands. The specs and sound are perfect, and it looks even better in person. Bought it about 3 years ago and haven't gotten tired of it for a second. 

Sean W.
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I decided to buy a guitar but for some reason I play with my pecker more than the guitar

William C.

I finally decided to buy this guitar from AMS and I’m so happy I did!  My bands music is a little eclectic, and this guitar is perfect….jazz, hardcore, progressive metal all sound awesome!  Plus it’s fun to play some fast loud stuff with a semi-hollow body because no one expects it when you get on stage with this

James K.
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incredible guitar. Plays super smooth and has tons of dynamics. I’m curious what case fits this? I’ve heard the xtone cases are a bit small

William C.
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I’ve wanted this guitar for awhile, and a few weeks ago I finally decided to pull the trigger on it.  I like to fit all sorts of genres into the same song, and I can go straight from speed metal or thrash right to some mellow jazz with no problems!  I love this guitar, it’s definitely a hidden gem that more people should know about.  I’m a heavy handed player, so my only reservation was that it didn’t seem to have stainless steel frets, but so far they seem all right.  I like this guitar enough that when the time comes I’ll gladly pay for a stainless steel re-fret if necessary, it’s totally worth it since when I’m not playing it I’m thinking about playing it……and my other guitars are definitely no slouches at all…..but this is my new number one guitar and I can’t wait to break it in at our next show

Roger M.
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I just bought my second BW-1 from Sweetwater. This guitar is so well thought out that I didn't want to risk it falling out of production in the near future, and I didn't want to deal with the wait-time that I had when I bought my first. Ebony fretboard, Fishman active pickups, locking tuners, Evertune bridge, semi-hollow body construction, and a thick, solid neck that renders sustain and stays put while you run up and down the fretboard. Ben really put his mind into this guitar. I've been a player for 45 years btw. Still churning out the rock. 

Laith A.

I received this guitar today and it sounds amazing! Extremely versatile. I traded in my Gibson for it and it's the greatest decision I ever made. 

Todd B. ESP

Hi, thanks for sharing your comments and review. We're happy to hear you like your new instrument!

Adolfo P.

Recently got this guitar and I love it. Plays smooth and sounds wicked. Love it a lot. 

Justin L.

I noticed this is no longer a preorder. Does that mean it’s currently in stock? I sent an email to the esp team but they weren’t much help. I’m trying to order through Sweetwater but we’re both being told different pieces of information as to the availability. 

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Justin L.

Carl, I did reach out to them but they weren’t of any help. 

Victor S.

Всем привет. LTD BW-1 отличная электрогитара качественной сборки, красивый дизайн, удобная и относительно легкая, звучит прекрасно. Бридж Evertune держит строй надежно и долговечно, это классно.

Я очень доволен этой электрогитарой. 


Но есть два небольших недостатка, на мой субъективный взгляд:

1) В данной электрогитаре используется активные звукосниматели для которых необходима батарейка. Батарейку приходилось часто менять, даже если электрогитара отключена и не используется. В этой связи пришлось модифицировать схему подключения батарейки в электрогитаре - установив переключатель, чтобы обесточивать батарейку. Внешний вид переключателя приведен на фоторафии ниже. По результатам использования данной модификации, теперь батарейку приходится менять очень редко (последнюю батарейку установил два месяца назад и еще не менял, при этом электрогитара используется часто).


2) Порожек (NUT): порожек не из качественного заменителя слоновой кости, например от TUSQ. Данный недостаток является незначительным, имеющийся порожек функционирует нормально.

Думаю, производителю электрогитары необходимо принять к сведению данные недостатки и исправить их.

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Justin L.

I noticed this guitar is available for “preorder”. Did the guitar get an update/upgrade? 

Edward L.

I am also wondering this, I have been looking for a new guitar and stumbled across this which checks all the boxes. Unfortunately, It seems to be out of stock alot of places and I'm worried since it's an older model it is being discontinued. However, I am really hoping it is being updated to include stainless steel frets and coil splitting...... Fingers crossed.

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or

Justin L.

Thank you, Carl. I just sent an email to your staff. 


julien a.

Hello ESP team ! I've found a second hand first edition BW1 (with EMG). What are the specs differences ? Same woods or not ? And why the 2nd version is 700$ more expensive? just because of the fluence and a case ???  Thanks

Carl N.

Our customer service team can help you out with older models, they can be reached at

William C.

I’m looking to get one of these. A few questions though. I’m not familiar with the evertune so first question is can I tune to 1/2 semitone down? Secondly I like 12-60 Daddario strings; would those be okay with this? Final question is what type of nut material is on this? Thank you for the help!

Carl N.

This model Evertune is designed for 9-42 gauge strings set in standard tuning but can be detuned and accommodate slight string modifications though you may need to obtain high tension modules from Evertune to go along with your tuning and gauges.  The nut is molded plastic.

William C.

Thank you for that info. I’ll get the nut changed and have the mod to the evertune by my local luthier at gc. 

Ron M.

How much sound effect does the f-hole add to this guitar. MIT did research on f-holes in violins years ago and discovered that the elongated f-hole increased the quality of sound. So I'm wondering if that applies to this guitar also?  Also, does the semi-hollow body of this guitar have more of a metal sound than a solid body guitar?

Carl N.

Hey Ron, we do not measure the output generated by the soundhole of this instrument so I would have no figure to provide to you.  Not sure what you mean by metal sound, metal as in like metallic in nature or do you mean metal as in the genre?

Ron M.

Carl, what I mean by metal sound is heavy metal music genre. 

Carl N.

Hey Ron, maybe the demo of this instrument will help you out.  Though, you can get nearly any guitar to sound metal with the right amps, effects, etc.

Ben W.

Any idea where I can get one of these in the UK? Kind of struggling!

Todd B. ESP

Hi Ben, This may not be an item most dealers stock. Please contact your local distributor and ask them to assist you. Here is a link to our distributor page:   

Mike C.

I just got one.  Such a great guitar.  Mine doesnt have any push-pull pots though.  And mine has another internal jack inside.  I doubt its connected, but neat that it's there.


I'll have to get some 25k push-pulls so I can use the diff voices.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Mike, Thanks for your comments. Sorry to hear you didn't receive the push pull pots. Those should be included with the newer build of the BW-1 model with the Fishman Fluence pickups. Please contact our customer service team and send them the details of your instrument (dealer where purchased & serial number) and they should be able to help you out. Here is their email:

Gavin Z.

How long will this guitar be sold for? Is it a limited run, or would I be able to buy it in a year or two?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Gavin, This is a regular production model. It is not limited and will continue to be in the line until we or the artist decides to discontinue or replace this model. I can't say whether it will be around in a year or 2 but there is no plan to discontinue it at this time.


Just got one of these with the Fishman PU's! Guitar looks and plays fantastic!!!!! Great job ESP/LTD!!

Todd B. ESP

Hey Fonzy, That's great to hear! Glad you like it and thanks for playing ESP!

Leon D.

A few questions:

  1. Will this be changed in 2019 or will the model be the same?
  2. The video shows that he put an input jack inside the guitar so he could hide a wireless system. Does every guitar have this hidden input? 
Todd B. ESP

Hi Leon, This model is not changing. Ben's personal guitars have wireless system installed but the production version comes with a standard jack, so it doesn't have this hidden input.

Mike C.

Mine has the extra jack but not hooked up.