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Rod Ruvalcaba

Personally customized squire strato body- epiphone explorer neck- SD pickups (2 humbuckers) is my secondary axe

Evan E.


Richard R.

I have schecter hellraiser with the 81,89 emg plckups some times the pick ups seem flat  like no life to them  lve changed battery several times do you or anybody else whats going on.the schecter people say they dont have a clue or whatelse i could check.

Evan E.

I could not tell you what's going on either. That's really odd

Andrew C.

Have tried fender, epiphone, dean, ibanez over the years.. but I keep coming back to the ESP LTDs.

I'm all ESP LTDs at the moment

Andy Castillo

A VOGUEL guitar

zevexel h.
