JP Hönninger
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JP Hönninger became friends with GuitarBeastKing

JP Hönninger liked the comment on LTD SNAKEBYTE
I love the white Snakebyte but i really wish the Gloss Black one would come back......MORE »

JP Hönninger posted a comment on the product LTD 30TH ANNIVERSARY KH-3 SPIDER
Almost 2 years in with this guitar and couldn't be happier, I'm not a lead player but this guitar has made me work on it, don't let the floyd rose scare you, it takes a while to get used to it but it's not the end of the......MORE »

JP Hönninger posted the photo album Guitars

JP Hönninger completed his profile

JP Hönninger updated his profile

JP Hönninger posted a comment on the product LTD SNAKEBYTE
Damn, I got one but I prefer the satin finish, wanna trade? Lol......MORE »

JP Hönninger posted a comment on the product LTD 30TH ANNIVERSARY KH-3 SPIDER
Thanks for the feedback! BTW have you spoken to your guitar shop representative? Sometimes they will change the instrument if there are any problems with it! ......MORE »