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Amazed and Excited to see Andy LaRocque finally playing ESP now Needs his own signature model or at least Some King Diamond album covers on an M Series Like Slayer and Metallica have. - updated
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Adam K

Adam K liked the product E-II HORIZON-III

Adam K

Adam K liked the product AW-XJ7 BARITONE EVERTUNE

Adam K

Adam K posted a comment on the product EC-1000

Throwing this out there what about a P90 version with Seymour Duncan's???......MORE »
Adam K

Adam K posted a comment on the product ARROW-200

I swapped out the stock pickups for an  EMG Set the battery fits inside the control cavity.......MORE »
Adam K

Adam K liked the comment on ARROW-200

hi, i want to replace its pickups with EMG’s. is it possible? does it have enough space for battery?......MORE »
Adam K

Adam K posted a comment on the product ARROW-200

ESP needs make an Arrow 201 and an Arrow 201B without the Floyd. Really cool reverse headstock  setup like the EX201, M201, TE201 etc.. I own the Green Arrow 200 incredible neck and playablity stays in tune, the mahogany......MORE »
Adam K

Adam K liked the product MH GUITAR FORM FIT CASE

Adam K

Adam K liked the product SN-201HT

Adam K

That is all for now I love ESP been playing them now for 10 Years Almost now,I played B.C. RICH for 20 yearsand Jackson as well but I love the ESP shapes over the last 10 years I wish there were more models I would purchase this year I have posted all over here ,I still play BC Rich and Jackson Guitars as well I am Pointy Guitar Guy So I love these crazy shapes stay safe out there and play METAL!!!!!!LOUD!!!!IN THE WORDS OF KING DIAMOND AND CHUCK SCHULDINER STAY HEAVY!!!NAD LET THE METAL FLOW!!!!!

Adam K

For Xmas 2019 my Wife bought me this KH-200 I Modded it with Seymour Duncans Bridge is  a JB Trembucker and the Jazz in the Neck covered in stickers from my favorite Black and Death Metal Bands Gas Monkey and my Devil Girl (She Reminds Me Of My Wife HA HA !) I started to cover my beat up EX102 and signature series KH In stickers as a Tribute to Jeff Hanneman he would cover his guitars in stickers from his favorite bands as well so I do this for Jeff one day I will get a JH 600 OR the ESP JH In the Urban Camo if I ever have enough funds . R.I.P. Jeff also I thought it was funny since this is  Kirka Hamster signature NOT a JH 200 or JH 600 because we couldn't find a used one.

Adam K

Another Favorite of mine is this my V-300 I keep it tuned to B Standard and it stays in tune and has been in this tuning for last 7 years bought this my first year at Guitar Center Used w/ Hard Shell Case for $350 .

Adam K

XMas Present from my Wife in 2017 and really one of my Favorite Guitars plays perfectly swapped out the ESP pickup for an EMG 85 and sounds much beefier.This one the M-330

Adam K

 I love this guitar but it needs some tlc has a little bit of neck issues but sounds amazing I really want one in Gloss Black or Gloss White with  a 27.5 Scale Length the  Pointed Headstock and Fluence Pickups . This is the EX-307 I missed the V-307 would have grabbed it as well. Come On ESP make a NEW 7 STRING EX !!!!

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