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François B.

François B. uploaded a photo

François B.

François B. uploaded a photo

François B.

François B. uploaded a photo

François B.

François B. posted the photo album Jasmine ES33C-LH 1983, january

François B.

François B. updated his profile

François B.

François B. posted a comment on the product MH-1000NT LH

Hello, No more Violet Shadow Blue? Sure? Really sure? Mine comes tuesday morning!!! And it's not a second hand, a new one. Fantastic!!!......MORE »
François B.

François B. posted a comment on the product MH-1000NT LH

No more left-handed guitars in Violet Shadow Blue? Thanks......MORE »
François B.

François B. posted a comment on the product MH-1000NT LH

Hello, is it possible to have it in Violet Shadow Blue? Thanks......MORE »