Wiring Diagram ec-256


If anyone can help I need a wiring diagram for the EC-256.. 2 vol 1 tone/push pull.. Bought this guitar used and someone did some "modifications"... thanx in advance..

Sis L.

In a bit of a guitar conundrum here with my trusty EC-256. Acquired it from a previous owner, seems they've had their way with the wiring. Now I'm on the prowl for a wiring blueprint tailored to the EC-256 make, boasting 2 volume knobs, 1 tone knob, and the elusive push-pull switch. If any kind soul out there possesses a meticulous diagram, ventures into the depths of Capcut Templates, and can kindly nudge me towards the path of enlightenment, I'd be immensely appreciative. A colossal wave of gratitude awaits for any assistance bestowed in advance!


George O.

Go to guitar electronics website 

George O.

I just bought one, I am replacing the stock pickups with a Seymour Duncan 59 and a Pearly Gates

But if you want wiring diagrams

Go to guitar electronics website 

A lot of resources there

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