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Christopher S.

Christopher S. posted a comment on the product E-II FRX

So a few years back I was thinking about getting the frx 407 or the seven string Flying V esp had at the time before discounting them. And I chose the frx. I have a lot of complaints it sounds really weak at the time. And......MORE »
Christopher S.

Christopher S. posted the photo album My guitars

Christopher S.

Christopher S. disliked the comment on V XL FORM FIT CASE

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or ......MORE »
Christopher S.

Christopher S. posted a comment on the product V XL FORM FIT CASE

Will the V50 fit this case?......MORE »
Christopher S.

Christopher S. posted a comment on the product MH GUITAR FORM FIT CASE

Will this fit the MH17? ......MORE »
Christopher S.

Christopher S. posted a comment on the product FRX-407

I love mine, I have the one with a fixed bridge. It was a B stock minor body chips but man still amazing. I just wish the seven string flying b was still available, those are hard to find. ......MORE »
Christopher S.

Christopher S. updated his profile

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