Justin M.

Thank you for updating the MH-1000 models! Loving the reverse headstock on the NT model. I think that'll be my next guitar \m/

Dingo Dog Records

Looks Great! Some real gems there. I dig that 1 pup Phoenix. 

Kamren K.

Digging the EX FT, XJ, and the Koa SN!

Jose C.

Oh wow, the Royal Shiva and the XJ (finally an offset!)


Wow!  When will the GL Desert Eagle be available for Pre-Order and when do they ship out?


No description available.


Dude, finally they did killer colors for the 200 series. Thank you ESP!

Ron M.

I wish they would have even more fun with the binding colors. Always white, ya know 2024.

And no metallics or greens??? No Gun Metal? Some vignette shading would be nice on the ec256 cherry.

It would be great if they had ONE relic'd model.

Devin C.

Where are the ESP models?? These are all LTD. Pass. 


I wish there would be more EC-1000 or E-II Eclipses with floyd rose bridge and wider color options such as see-thru purple etc. I'd buy one instantly!

Stephan  P.

No new guitars with Hipshot bridge... Sad.

Sean R.

Seriously, just 2 signature basses.

Way to phone it in guys...

Leo B.

I can't help but feel like this preview is incomplete. No new Black/Arctic Metal models, not much in the way of basses, etc.

gareth b.

That pickup switch under the volume pot on the M-100.  What are they thinking?!

Michael J.

We want to see the mick Thomson 

and more full thickness EC’s

Steven C.

Only 2 new basses, both 4 string fretted. No 5 or 6 string, and no new fretless models. Geez.........

Daragh C.

If only the EC 1000 was in quilted emerald green like Alex Skolnic's custom. fuck man that would be orgasmic.


bob m.

I wish hockey stick headstocks would be used on more guitars

Artur K.

I see through black cherry 

Joe K.

Desert eagle ✌️

christopher s.

love the Horizon Custom ‘87’s