adam g.

Hi there any chance of some new Hanneman tribute models maybe with his Heineken logo or the Hanneman logo pic attatched ?

Collectors would go nuts for these I suspect.



Tyler Hoban

Agreed. the RED STARS on this model.


Todd B. ESP

Hi Tyler, thanks, yes those are really cool looking.

Todd B. ESP

Hey Adam, thanks for those suggestions. At this time there is no plan but I see how that could be a cool collector's guitar.


Do you guys plan on making any new Jeff Hanneman models in the future??

Todd B. ESP

Hi Cleansed, We won't rule out doing something in the future but currently there are no plans for any new JH models.

David D.

How would this Bridge compare to a FR? 

Todd B. ESP

Hi David, you really would have to experience this bridge and compare it to a FR to know truly what the difference is. It mostly comes down to feel. Both bridges do the same thing - they allow you to pull up or down in pitch. The difference is that the Kahler system feels "softer" or "slinkier" than a FR bridge (if that makes any sense). Some people like the stiffer feel of a FR bridge system. However, you can customize a FR and put softer (lower tension) springs, or remove one of the 3 springs to give the system a softer feel. The amount of pitch you can raise the strings is another big difference. The design of the Kahler uses a cam to rotate the strings on a fixed height roller saddle, so you can basically stretch the strings and pitch much higher which is sort of what it's known for. A Floyd on the other hand, maxes out because the strings will eventually touch the pickups or frets due to the way the bridge pivots on the studs. Both systems are great. It's more a matter of personal preference.

Trevor W.

If you are taking suggestions, I think a vintage black ec-1000 with a Floyd in left handed would do well also !

Todd B. ESP

Hi Trevor, Thanks for your suggestions.

Trevor W.

 You can consider this my pre-order for either or both.