Tim S.

Man.  What a nice guitar.  Just epic.  ESP always has the coolest guitars for rock and metal. Really they work for all genre's,  but for sure my type of a rock god guitar! 

Thanks ESP



Indiana USA 


Cristian M.
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I buy this guitar new from a store , is made in Korea 2020 but in the soul cape say ec-1001fr , the 1001 is different no ? 

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I noticed that the EC1000FR STB from the 2021 collection that are made in Korea are marked in the little plate on the guitar as "EC1001FR", and in the back of the headstock, the serial # starts with W20 (wich means they were made in the year 2020), is there a reason for that?, cause I was about to cancel my order when I noticed the EC1001FR plate thinking the store made a mistake, but then saw other guitars from 2021 collection made in Korea with the same plate and year of manufacture, any insights?

David  B.

 Wow very cool guitar 

David  B.

    Nicest guitar ever to be with the same things