John S.

Really wish they didn’t botch this re release up so bad. Do they even look at the Stef collection when they do these? The new tri burst is off, god help us when they venture into the 7’s and 8’s. Carl feel free to chime in but you are an asshole. The colors are wrong and the lack of carve is laughable. Sucks to be a lifelong fan of ESP right now 

Brian Y.

Are there any plans to release this guitar in See Thru Green? Thank You

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or  

ross g.

any plans to release the original ESP custom 6 string model? that would be amazing

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Jeremiah B.

How many of these special editions models made?

Carl N.

this is a current production model that is not being produced in limited quantities

James S.

This thing is great that JB screams 

Carl N.

glad you are enjoying it