Gary T.

Music Zoo ad wants me to believe that the MSRP is actually $6,558. Uh huh. 

Carl N.

Yes, because that would be MSRP for this instrument.  Hope this helps.

Allan G.

I have two questions about this guitar. First. Can this be made left handed with Kirk Hammett in the same type as the distressed version instead of the signature? If so, will it still come with a certificate of authenticity. 

Carl N.

You can request a left handed build of this model from any authorized ESP dealer, and yes, this would come with a COA

Dave L.

Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to order this guitar but with the standard KH EMG Bone breaker pickups instead of the limited edition ones? As I understand it these guitars are made 1 at a time to order. It's the same pickup just without the signature laser etched on them - I prefer the look of the "standard" EMGs. Thanks.

Carl N.

Hey Dave, all of our instruments are sold as shown, though you could always change pickups out later, we do no perform this here on your behalf at the factory.

Dave L.

Hey Carl - thank you for the quick response. I guessed that would be the case but figured I'd ask anyway. I do have 1 other question on this guitar that I would be grateful if you could answer:
Am I correct in saying this model would have a serial number formatted something like Exxxx201:

20 - Year
1 = ESP custom shop

I am in the process of ordering one and want to make sure that its 100% legit. I've no reason to doubt it wouldn't be but it's always good to know what to look for.

Thanks again.

Carl N.

If you need a hand identifying older instruments you can reach out to our customer service team at 

Nidal B.

Hi from France ! I'm wondering something... Before the E-II series was created, there was a KH2 ESP Original Series "affordable" (between 2000 and 3000 euros) Bolt-on (maybe a neck thru was also available), black, straight to the point ! Basically the perfect metal guitar for the price. But now that ESP models are only custom shop, the "real" KH2 (not LTD) are at minimum 4000€, when your are lucky and you find a dealer who will not push the price close to the 5000€...

So my question is, will there be an E-II version of the KH2 ? Like it is available for the richard z E-II signature ? I know that an E-II M-II is more or less a KH2 but it is not exactly the same: the pickups configuration, the lost of the tone and one volume controls. And you don't get the skulls on the neck that are a killer things !


I know that ESP means highest possible quality but an E-II KH2 will also be high quality guitar and I thing it will sell a lot if it come in the market (personnal opinion).


Anyway, thanks to the ESP team for making us such iconic guitars !


Carl N.

Hey Nidal, unfortunately we live in a world with inflation.  Back in 2012 the ESP KH bolt-on was around $2,999 but fast forward to today and this instrument is closer to $4,000+  this could explain the difference in pricing from then to now.  As for an E-II version, there is no current plan to produce these instruments in an E-II version but this would be a great idea.  Thank you for your comment and suggestion.

Gustaf A.

I don't really understand how the "local dealer" thing works. I live in Sweden and there doesn't seem to be any distributors in Sweden. The nearest distributor near me seems to be something in Denmark but I don't know im if supposed to hit them up, tell them to make a special delivery and sent it her to me in Sweden. Would like some information about the procedure please.


Thanks, Gustaf. 

Carl N.

Hey Gustaf, local dealers are for customers within the U.S.  You'll want to use the locator for International dealers.