David  B.

 I have  friend it has esp kh3 guitar   he loves it 

Hans L.
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Does the guitar come with the standard ESP case or a custom one?

Acclaimed Knives

If I wanted to order this guitar but with the previous pickups that he used (emg 60 in the neck and emg 81 in the bridge) would that be possible since I'm getting it from the custom shop anyway?

I know you offer the vintage edition with the older pickups but I'm not a big fan of the worn down look

Todd B. ESP

Hi, Normally we wouldn't offer changes to a signature model, however this request would not be a problem. Please contact your dealer or distributor if you would like to arrange this as a custom order.

Here is our dealer locator: https://www.espguitars.com/dealers

Here is a link to our distributor page: https://www.espguitars.com/locations?categories=intl-distributors

Darrin T.

I’d want to swap the pickups also, mostly because of Kirk’s signature on the Bonebreakers. Maybe to the 80/60A combo. My unaffordable fantasy is to own a guitar with the same specs as Kirk's but without it looking like it belongs to Kirk. 


Rui C.

Hi, are these etched pickups only offered for a limited time on this guitar?  I understand that EMG only made a small amount of these. 

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com or https://www.espguitars.com/pages/support 

Paul d.

An E-II version of this or the ouija models would be amazing! Or, wishful thinking, a KH-MUMMY

Carl N.

Thanks for the suggestions


The E-II version is basically the M2 I feel like 

Paul d.

Very true, but having the availability of E-II signature guitars instead of just LTD's / ESP's would be nice. A step up over LTD if you will. I currently own an ESP KH-2 NTB from 2009 and was able to get that at a very reasonable price (new). Being able to get an E-II signature at a similar price would be amazing. But that's my opinion