Benjamin S.

I own one and it’s a great guitar.  Wish it had a solid top as I had a horrific misfortune when I needed to replace the saddle on one of the strings.  I loosened the strings to remove tension before removing the bridge.  When I held the bridge in place in the back, I heard a pop and it cracked the finish between the bridge and the bridge pickup.  Purely cosmetic but still bothersome.  I don’t feel that this would have happened if it was a solid top as there would have been more support near the top of the guitar.  Word of caution to anyone needing to replace any saddles on the evertune.  Remove the strings completely so there’s zero tension on the bridge.   Unfortunately it’s a factory 2nd so the warranty is up.  :( 

Carl N.

Hey Benjamin, sorry to hear about this misfortune, though this probably still would have happened regardless if the instrument had a solid top vs a veneer, finish can only take so much pressure till it cracks.

Benjamin S.

It wasn’t just the finish.  It was the entire piece of wood. I had to use a wood filler to make sure it’s secure in place.  It’s the piece of wood between the bridge and the bridge pickup.  It’s about the thickness of a ruler.  I feel like there could be a stronger support there and this shouldn’t have happened.  I feel like there shouldn’t be a piece that can break off from pressure from the strings.  It’s a major design flaw.  

Carl N.

Hey Benjamin, this is the route for the evertune bridge, this would be the same measurement if the spec were a solid top or a veneer.  I hate to play devil's advocate but from your original comment it sounded as though an accident due to not removing tension from the bridge caused this.  Wouldn't really call this a design flaw.

Benjamin S.

I understand your logic on this one.  I know that’s the routing for evertune bridges on any guitar.  It seems to me there’s more space to probably get another couple millimeters if thickness on that piece of wood.  Yes there was SOME tension on the strings but they were extremely loose.  I would have never dreamed the amount of tension would have caused this.  It just seems like it could be stronger whether it’s a solid top of just a little bit thicker.  

Jeremy S.

Here's a question. I'm a big fluence guy. How do these EMGs compare? Are they hotter than the standard fluence classics or moderns?

Carl N.

Hey Jeremy, EMG was the original hot active pickup, check out some of our demos and you can hear the difference between these pickups.

Scott G.

Hey, my question is about the maple top. Is it a veener or a maple top and how thick is it?

Carl N.

Hey Scott, this will feature a flamed maple venner about 1mm-2mm thick

Ky Zhoul

Hello Gavin, just wanna say hey & that I'm a massive admirer of your guitar work & The Nephilim's guitar work in general. FOTN is the best guitar band of the last 50 years, in my opinion. Would you maybe put a bug in the ear of the band and come to the States?  They are hugely influential on many bands here, especially my area & it would be great to experience it live.  Much love from Upstate N.Y. , Take Care

Carl N.

Thanks for the comment Ky!

Dustin H.

Hey, still checking this out and unfortunately haven't had a chance to play one yet. I'm curious - What material is the nut made from?

Carl N.

Hey Dustin, this will be a molded graphite nut, hope this helps!

Dustin H.

It does. Thank you!