David G.

I've been wondering about the specifics of the semi hollow construction. Is there a center block with mahogany back and sides or is it a routed mahogany body?

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com or https://www.espguitars.com/pages/support 

Curt Redman

Would love to see this will the normal chrome instead of the black chrome. I think it'd suit it better.


Carl N.

thanks for the suggestion

Tae S.

This is my fourth LTD guitar - and I love them all. Any chance of rereleasing Viper Bass? 

Carl N.

Glad you enjoy them Tae, no plans at the moment though the ESP version could always be ordered through your preferred ESP dealer.

Aidy James

I can’t wait for the flat black version! Having a unique guitar is so important to my band’s sound and aesthetic - and it has to be black. I’ve got to have one!

Carl N.

Thanks for the comment Aidy!

Deviant  Person

I still wonder when will they re-release the solid body versions

Todd B. ESP

HI Antonio, we have no current plans to release solid body versions. We did make some quite a few years ago, that was the only time we made them in solid body version.