Rob R.

I received an Andromeda II a few days ago. Absolutely amazing guitar. I can’t say enough about the playability and the tones it produces. On top of that, it’s an amazing looking guitar. 


Do you offer True Temperament frets as an option on your custom models?

Carl N.

Hey Hex, these ESP Originals are produced at the specifications listed so there would be no available options besides what currently shown.  For a complete, one off custom, you'd have to submit a custom order form to your local/preferred ESP dealer in order to receive a quote.

will f.

I want one of these in a Simi-hollow body, like my ESP LTD EC-300AT but in a top of the line deluxe model worth a 24 fret baritone neck

Todd B. ESP

Hi Will, That's a custom order model for sure. You have one of those EC-300AT , those are great!

Max M.

Why don’t they make this one in left handed

Todd B. ESP

Hi Max, we don't stock this in LH, but it certainly could be ordered since these are built in the custom shop.

Joe  K.

Seymour Duncan's or Bareknuckles, PLEASE. 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Joe, thanks for your suggestion.