Hanover Fiste

I bought my B-5E about 6 months ago. I hate to use the word "value," as to me it means "cheap." However, for the features and build quality this bass has, I'm amazed at how much bass I got compared to the price I paid. Neck-thru construction, string-through bridge, and ebony fret board, for $74P MSRP? I'm VERY picky on how an instrument is put together. While this bass isn't perfect, it's pretty close! In fact, I like it so much I recently bought a B-4E!

steve l.

I just purchased this bass and the when t turn the knob closest to the bridge right up it cuts all sound is this knob supposed to do this i thought it would be the balance knob? if it is does this mean I have a faulty pick up?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Steve, Please contact our customer service team and they can help you determine if the controls are working properly. Yes, the control closest to bridge will be the balance control. The first knob towards the pickups is the master volume. Please email or call our customer service team for help with your issue: customerservice@espguitars.com or 800-423-8388 (USA).

Jeff P.

Hi. I've had this bass for 2 years and it's great. I was looking for a new one recently and just couldn't do it! Nothing else felt as good in my hands - I have rheumatoid arthritis and need a narrow neck for my fingers to fit around. No other guitar sounded that much better.

What I would like to know is if this guitar can be switched to passive by turning the tone knobs back fully?

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com or https://www.espguitars.com/pages/support 


I’ve had this bass a few weeks now and I am seriously impressed with the playability, quality and tones and I’m getting out of it. 
 I really want to try those Daddario tape wounds (50,65,85,105) but I’m concerned with the increase or decrease in tension. 
are there limits that I should not exceed? I really love this and want to keep it nice. 
also, A setup spec sheet or manual would be great! Thank you

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com or https://www.espguitars.com/pages/support   

Josh A.

If I am wanting to change my pickups do I also need to change my electronics as well?

Carl N.

that would depend on the type of pickup you would be installing, if you are unfamiliar with this kind of work I would suggest having a professional handle the installation for you to avoid any unwanted damage to your instrument.