Michael L.

Sparkle why not, but i'm not fond of the purple color

Todd B. ESP

Hi Michael, Thanks for your comments. We might have another color coming out in the future.

Ranger Jay

My purple thang


Say hello to “The Gaudy Tart!” On its way now.

Todd B. ESP

Hi Ranger, great to hear this.

Ranger Jay

After the long wait, and the suspense, I can only say that this is a great guitar. Flawless, and beautiful.

Plugged into a Marshall or Orange, it delivers everything I need. Well done, ESP.

Todd B. ESP

Hey Ranger, Wow, that's great news! Sorry for the long wait and glad you finally got this guitar! Cheers!

Ranger Jay

Ordered one today from Sweetwater. Special order, because they apparently aren't stocking it.

Yes, that gaudy tart will be mine soon!


<insert evil laugh here>


I don't like purple color, but I appreciate ESP for making such a bold and sparkling guitar.

Is there any chance for E-II silverburst in the future ?

Christopher B.

I have my money burning a whole in my pocket for this guitar man this is the one!  I'm just praying that Purple Sparkle looks this good in real life.  Can we see what the form fit case looks like?  Also love that it has the ashtray battery holder!