Michael J.
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Need this in black

Robert D.
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I truly love the block inlays... I absolutely hate the flag inlays.  They look so much like an after thought or a failed creative idea.  I wish that ESP would get away from them to be honest.  Block inlays just look more uniform with the block shaped fret shapes.  I'm half tempted to buy this guitar because of the block inlays alone.  Downside for me is the bridge pickup missing.  Last night I just bought the LTD Blue Natural Fade EC-1000.  If it had Block inlays mother of purl with a small abalone strip in the middle it would have taken the beauty of that guitar to a whole new level. I'll most likely have to send it to a luthier to block out those flags and create the inlay I just described.  Honestly I'd love to see a pole by ESP to it's more loyal fans on which inlays to use block vs flag.  

Curtis H.

I wish they'd put the baritone version of this (@8:30 ) into production

Todd B. ESP

Hi, thanks for sharing that. pretty cool guitar.

I love my LTD's But truth be told if its not from Korea im not really willing to pay the money.


Todd B. ESP

Hi, Thanks for letting us know how you feel. We understand where you're coming from however we would urge you to try an ESP LTD model that is made outside of Korea. We always do our best to ensure the quality of our instruments are the best they can be no matter where we manufacture them.

Curtis H.

Mines from Korea and has poor binding in places and aged hardware. All of them in the store were like this so Korea isn't the be all and end all. It sounds amazing though so pick your battles I guess. 

Martin J.

Hey ... U writing here its made in sourh korea but i heard its in indonesia and heard a lot of stuff about unfinished frets and volume knob failing off and so on.... that was like 2 years ago.. I want this guitar , but does it change something since those times? Like it is really in South Korea right now ? And Frets and knob everything is cool?


Carl N.

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