Cristian Dale V A.

it is hard to find the price of guitar her. who can help?

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

Laurent H.

Hi, is it possible to order this model : EI-II EX NT black ? 

Carl N.

you would have to special order one through a dealer

Cristian Dale V A.

how much this one Sir?

julian g.

planning on buying this guitar. before i buy it i’m wondering if EMG 81s will also fit as the capable to be the neck pick up

Carl N.

shouldn't have an issue with that

Kyle K.

Is there any way I could get this as a left handed guitar?

Carl N.

Only available in right handed for now

Thomas W.

ESP, I’ve had this guitar for a year, playing thrash, and rock, and I love it. Great sound out of the EMGs. Only thing I don’t like about this guitar is the neck dive. And the neck dive is what’s keeping me from buying another and playing it live. Great for sitting around the house playing, but a pain in the ass to play standing up

Carl N.

thanks for sharing