Evan B.
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Hello. What finish does the neck have on this guitar?

Gena U.
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Is this available without pickup rings?

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I absolutely love this guitar and it exceeded all expectations. The combination of the ebony fretboard, stainless steel frets, and amazing paint job makes everything so smooth. The sustain is nice but the guitar rings so clearly it was immediately noticeable. It practically plays itself and it feels like it's making me a better player. Extremely solid metal machine, I'm totally spoiled now.

Steve R.
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I just bought one of these off someone used and the fingerboard looks just like in this photo. They say it's an ebony fingerboard but I don't think so. This pic, and the one I now have look like rosewood. I know ESP responded in the comments below, to someone asking the same question, that this model is now produced with an ebony fingerboard. To me, that means it was once not an ebony fingerboard. What was it? I like whatever it is, but I need to know. If not ebony, I may need to return to them or sell it. I love ebony. Can I find out by serial number or something? Thanks