Richard M.

Hi. I have a question. How can I remove a sweat stain off my LTD Vulture?? I sweat a lot and even though it's not a big deal, I'd like to remove it. Thanks

aaron o.

Since no one offered a reply check out these guys at stewmac,


I use them for all my supplies and replacement parts, call or email them and let them know what you are experiencing and they usually can walk you through it. 


THen of course you have to rock the sweat bands on your arms from then on just like het does. 


Hope that helps 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Richard, sorry for the late reply. Here's the issue with satin finishes. The finish is sprayed on and then not touched (not polished or buffed like a gloss finish). That being said, if you have some residue on the top of finish you can use a clean, soft microfiber cloth with a little bit of water and it should wipe off the residue. Be careful that you are not polishing aggressively because that would start to turn the finish more shiny. It is a simple fact that the more you touch or rub up against a satin finish it will slowly change to a semi gloss (more shiny). There is nothing you can do about this. But to remove a little residue, a small amount of water on a cloth should remove it. if you need something stronger you could use a spray polish for guitar, but use very little and wipe very gently and slowly so you do not turn it shiny. I hope this helps.

rodrigo c.

Please, anyone knows the measurements of the case?

Todd B. ESP

Hey rodrigo, please email our customer service team and let them know what measurement you're looking for. here is the email: