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There will be never enough guitars!!!!!

Louis A.

Turnings and vibe sum it up. I have 7 guitars for different tunings or uses. Many have humbuckers, one has mini humbuckers, one has single coils, one acoustic, one 7 string. P90's coming. Can never have to many! 

Nicholas R.

This is what you show to loved ones who dont understand the need for more than one guitar! THANK YOU!!!!



Travis L.

"Since nearly all of us at ESP are musicians, we know what it feels like to get inspired by picking up a diferent instrument now and then. Sometimes when you're stuck in a creative rut, turning to the same chord types and scales over and over again, the fastest way to break out into a new playing mode is to pick up a new guitar. Sometimes, the act of trying a different guitar or bass will literally lead you into writing a new song, based on the inspiration of the different feel of the neck, the weight of the body, the tone of the pickups, and more"  <-------- YES!