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Travis L.

ALL HAIL EMG!!!!!!! love those Dual 81's!


Lord M.

Not surprised at all that EMG is in the lead. They're the pinnacle of metal pickups, not to mention an ESP favorite. 
Well, personally I'll always love my Seymour Duncans. Passive pickups are a personal preference of mine.
That's a lot of p's.

Lim H.

same here! I prefer SD too! :)

ESP Admin

I am all about my EMG's! Nothing cuts through Drop-B and gives me that attack i want out of my sound like active pickups. If not EMG, Bareknuckles are awesome as well but a bit pricey.

Jeff K.

I personally am a fan of passive pickups, mostly because I like a very wide variety of tone for different kinds of music I play. I find that I achieve that more easily with my Seymour Duncan pickups than on my guitars outfitted with EMGs. If I wanted to consistently go for that "EMG Sound", it would be a different story.