Aaron J.

I have one of the rare ones. This is the LTD EC-1000T CTM DMZ SW model haha its a mouthful. Basically it's a  custom traditional body style with DiMarzio 36th Anniversary PAF pickups in snow white with all gold hardware. This is a completely stock guitar too.

Ain't she a beauty? I don't ever wanna get rid of this one. Debating if I should throw some cream pickup rings on it instead of black...


(and that was my rare whale blue PRS Santana SE in the back. I sold it years ago but regret it now. It was such a good one! Very versatile & underrated. Since then I've bought an American PRS Mira core model so it ain't so bad. Still need another Santana though haha.)

Randon Ladner

Black Cherry been treatin' me well since 2015!  Gotta love my EC-1000.  Got another one in Vintage black I always bring to gigs as a backup.  Literally the exact same guitar down to every detail except color scheme.  I call em the twins

Brendan Breakdown

Easily my favorite guitar! I have owned quite a few of them. 

JC De La Ronde

What's up people!
I just joined in the community on here.
I'm still waiting for my EC-1000 VB (EMG Pickups) to come in.
Bought it yesterday so I should get it sometime next week.

I'll let you know how it goes.



Igor M.

Hey, so what about the EC after 2 years? Still loving it?

Christopher  H.

Just picked up and EC1000p.  What a beast of a guitar. 

Aaron M.

https://youtu.be/1kTVWxWfllE Here is one of my EC1000s in action 

Greg G.

Fantastic guitars

Aaron M.

http://www.reverbnation.com/q/69912u my newest song, please check it out!

Brian DeJoy

does a james hetfield truckster count?

Aaron M.

hmmm yeah ok  how long ya had it??

Brian DeJoy

i actually dont have it yet waiting for it in the mail. :/ its taking sooo long 



I am a new owner of an EC-1000 Deluxe Maple Black and just joining. How is everyone doing?




Aaron M.

Good and you mate! Where ya from? Gotta see some pics of this axe mate


Aaron M.

My EC1000 with black chrome Seymour Duncan Blackouts!!

Brian DeJoy

thats a beautiful ec 1000 man almost got one like it except with emgs. I decided to go with the truckster instead though

Aaron M.

Thanks bud, shes a sexy lady this one  yeah this had EMGs in but I find them very thin sounding. I even tried the EMG 85 in the bridge which wasnt bad but the Blackout. are pretty schmick