TonePros Tune-o-matic Height Question

Daniel N.


I put some new strings on my ESP Viper which I haven't played in ages sadly.  It currently has a TonePros Tune-o-matic bridge and tailpiece.  While putting new strings on it I mistakenly adjusted the bridge and I don't remember the default height.  Currently using not Not Even Slinky strings set in C Standard.  I can use a coin to determine the spacings however I'm just not sure what the default spacings were.  I know they're made in Japan and might have custom spacing. 

Esp Viper - SS0527706

Strings: Not Even Slinky

Scale: C Standard

Any help would be appreciated and being new to the ESP forums I apologize if this is in the wrong place. 

Side note: I feel like the top three strings are closer to where they used to be than the bottom three.  

I was able to find the following information in an ESP owners manual but it didn't specifically state what model it was for.  Thanks for any help. 

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