James S.

Greetings! I have a beautiful MIK ESP LTD C-40. I can't find any info on it online, It's a beautifully playing and made guitar, neck through, action is awesome, has real active EMG, it appears to be all stock, SN starts with an R.

I picked it up for my son about 10+/- years ago used, he has since collected a bunch of expensive pieces he plays more often. I just got to really looking at if after many year, almost forgot we had it, and realized how nice it really is, but nothing comes up anywhere via google or ebay or reverb, etc.

Any help identifying would be most greatly appreciated!


It seems as this may be an EC-400 from the early 2000s, before they changed it to the curved top style that it currently is.

James S.

Interesting, Thanks for the reply! I do love these obscure pieces, but it really makes me want to know the back story, I am pretty shocked there isn't anything out there on them. There was some effort in them, real active emg, neck through, its extremely well built.

But yes, this one is a flat top, great guitar, I'm looking forward to solving the mystery.

James S.

it does look line that exact one, maybe the model inlay is missing the first and last digits, might have been a blem originally???


Possibly a blem. I'm more used to running into things like that when a guitar has been refretted. Often times the fingerboard will be releveled (or re-radiused) and you'll see thin inlays on the edges.

Here's a catalog with this version of the EC-400. It's on page 37.

James S.

Thats definitely it! Exact model / specs. Must just be something funky with the badge inlay. I'll take a closer look and see if anything else looks weird on it but it didn't look like it had any work done, it wasn't used very hard, almost like new when I got it.

Thanks so much for helping me work it out! It's a great axe!

James S. wrote:

It's a beautifully playing and made guitar, neck through..

Well built yes, but where did you find that “neck through” thing, I have never seen EC-400 with neck through construction, only heard of few Japanese made eclipses with neck through. Correct me if I am wrong as I am not expert.

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