OFR or Gotoh replacement for MH-201?

Seth W.

I have an old Korean made LTD MH-201, which is fabulous other than the stock tremolo on it.  Unless blocked or stablized, it doesn't stay in tune at all.  Will an original Floyd Rose or Gotoh tremolo drop right in, or are there any modifications I'd need to make to accommodate one?  Please advise,, thank you kindly.  If they will, which models of each trem can you recommend?  Thank you for your time.

Matt P.

Can you identify what is making your tremolo not hold tune? Physics are the same for all floating tremolos, so if you can't identify a point of failure, your problem will persist. 

That being said, measure the distance between your posts (center to center), then check back in.

ESP Guitars

Hello Seth,

Please send some photographs and the instrument's serial number over to our customer service team at customerservice@espguitars.com.  They should be able to point you in the right direction!  As Matt said in the previous reply, you may be running into a set up issue with your existing tremolo.  You may want to bring your instrument to a local repair shop for a full setup before considering a replacement.

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