The ESP company denigrates my name

The ESP company denigrates my name


I recently discovered this topic ( written by Mr. Matt Masciandaro, ESP President and CEO, in which he warns potential buyers of ESP guitars about fakes made by various manufacturers. I noticed with astonishment that my name (Antonio Guitars) was mentioned along with them. I want to clarify the following: I have NEVER made a fake and I will not! All the guitars I build have my company logo, all my customers order a guitar built by me. I'm a big Metallica fan and so are you, you can understand what it's like to want something that your idol has... that's how I ended up building these two guitar models EET FUK and Man to Wolf, models that are no longer built by ESP company. I have always clearly specified that these guitars are replicas, guitars built by me, to a high quality standard, with the highest quality components and woods. I consider my name to be denigrated by that warning, surprising from a company I respect.

With friendship, Augustin


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