2008 ESP Phoenix, Are These Legit

Doug H.

I love the looks of this, but the headstock and the serial number feels off?  How do these play?  What are they worth?  Thanks.

Noel A.

I have one I just bought. I believe it is a 2010. I believe it is legit as far as I know. It is called the Phoenix ii.  The colors options were white and black.


Doug H.

Yours i January 2010. The 2008s had a different headstock shape.  Page 11 in the 2008 Export Catalogue.  https://vintagejapanguitars.com/esp-2008-export-guitar-catalogue/

Doug H.

Doug H.

This guys in Russia is reviewing a 2008 with same headstock back in a 2010 post/thread.  https://guitarplayer.ru/equipment-guitars/obzor-esp-phoenix-ii/

Nicholas B.

How can you talk about stupid russians? 

Doug H.

My guitar came from Ki of the The Fly who allegedly had it since new . . .  The spacing on the serial numbers trip me out.

Doug H.

ESP got back to me.  Mine is cool.  Looks like 1st Phoenix II made.

Jack J.


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