G major users, I'm having issues with mine

We play our show and all is good. Unload gear at the rehersal space and nothing gets dropped. Go to set it all back up, power on and I'm getting a weak signal. My 5150's volume is at 3 so it should be cranking. I bypass my pedal board first, no luck. Hit the effects loop switch and WHAM!!! Full volume. So I know it's something in the loop. All I got there is the G major. Tried different cables, no luck. Thought it could be the pre amp tube that's for the effects loop, not that. It was fine with the loop engaged and nothing plugged in to the jacks. It's gotta be the G-major. Both my volume knobs (input/output) are maxed and I've never had a volume issue before. So it's not my presets. It sounds kinda like a weak signal, not just a low volume. I've emailed TC support but we'll see how that works out. Anyone here ever have this happen before? I was a pedal guy before this and the Gmajor made my life so much easier. But I am now remembering why I was a pedal guy. 1 breaks your not out your entire effects board. Man, I knew this was going to happen because my rig was almost "finished." I was raving how I dont need to spend anymore $$$ on my rig and was recommeding a gmajor to my bud earlier that day.

^^^^what would that do? You mean the "effects bypass" on it? Or bypass entirely?

Also, what would that tell me if it works, I'd still be screwwed as far as effects go.


Have you tried spraying some contact cleaner in the Send/Return jacks for both the 5150 and the G-Major?

chevy Z 302

im not sure if this is a common problem with gmaj's but they seem to be pretty unreliable. Some really good aspects to them though, but all the talk of failure has stopped me from wanting to try one.

i would try asking at somewhere like TGP or HRI just if i were in your position

good luck though, hope its something really stupid simple


im not sure if this is a common problem with gmaj's but they seem to be pretty unreliable. Some really good aspects to them though, but all the talk of failure has stopped me from wanting to try one.

i would try asking at somewhere like TGP or HRI just if i were in your position

good luck though, hope its something really stupid simple

It was something stupid, but weird. I read on the Gmajor forums about a setting in the I/O thats called "Input RNG" and comes set to "Pro." When using in an effects loop of an amp it should be set to "consumer." If not you'll have a drastic volume difference.

So I checked that, sure enough, set to Pro. Switched to Consumer and issue resolved. I also had to change to the Output RNG from 8db to 2db.

I know I had it set right before and I'm not sure how it got switched becuase youd have to scroll through a lot of options, but What ever. It's back and kickin.

This is a common problem but more of a user error than anything else. This is the best processor I have found without spending a butt load of money on the G force. I would still highly recommend it to anyone. Do yourself a favor though and fill out the warrenty info just in case and TC will resolve your issue.

As far as reliability issues, anything can break. Everything is mass made and has a possibility malfunctioning. Thats the world we live in. The odds of a G major not working are the same of any other processor made (with the exception of real shitty ones.........Zoom, behringer). Same goes for amps. My bud has a triple rect and says how reliable they are and blah blah blah. He said "they dont break, they're hand made." But his ended up breaking.

Shit breaks, lets get over it.

Dark Alone

Mine's still running strong.


Noise could be a bad effects loop jack or cable, or bad power. I keep mine in a rack so my knobs and buttons are fine. I dont hear any colouring. That depends on the amp as well. Some amps have weaker effects loops and just having the loop engaged with nothing in it can colour the tone.
I dont know. It's a year old and this is the first issue've had. Like I said, I haven't come acrossed any processor that doesnt have at least 1 bad review.

chevy Z 302

yea i wouldn't get the gmaj, much better for the money

ie rocktron, even the old units.

and you can find gforces for 600ish anyway, so theres no need to say its too out of the reach.


I tried rocktron and ended up sending it back becuase of a large delay when switching presets. I emailed rocktron and they did respond quickly, but with the response of "thats normal. Not much we can do." Then with the Expression your not able to use all the features with each type of routing option. Then why is it there?
My personal experience is buy the unit new, fill out the warrenty just in case. I will be buying another G major just as back up, but I really dont doubt it's sound quality or reliabilty any more than any other processor made. My buds G force just went screwy a while back. He did buy it used and when he called TC, their response was "it's out of warrenty, try this firmware. If that doesnt work, we're sorry there's nothing we can do."

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