amp help...

hy sorry for my english please help me choose or give me any suggestions about these two amps first.... Hiwatt G-200 yes its only a head second... Laney LV300T anyone tried these models?...witch's have a better sound? im playing prog metal...prog rock...i dont need a fuckin heavy amp.... thanks
Bridge The Void

Laney, yes.

I would suggest first, as I always do, the Laney Lionheart. I play prog, I love it. Any other tube-filled Laney amps will also suffice so I suggest browsing the Laney website, finding a few which have the features you need, and then shopping around for price points. One of the reasons Laney kick ass is that they're affordable and lack gimmicks - just pure tone machines.

Laney are not famed for their solid-state efforts though, so make sure you stick to the amps that have t00bz in em.


thanks .... you helped me so mutch

so laney is the winner :D

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