Multi-effects pedals... Which one?

Hi all, I recently played with many effects on my Line 6 TonePort, and I was wondering if a PodXT Live would be worth purchasing. The problem is that I wouldn't use any "amp" from the pedal, but I would use a lot more, like the compressor, gate, EQs, reverb, delay, chorus, and even wah. So, my question is: Is the PodXT Live a good choice? Or another pedal would be better for me?

boss gt-5


Digitech GNX1

chevy Z 302

any reason not to buy seperate effects?


any reason not to buy seperate effects?

I'd go with seperate pedals.


Thanks for the replies, I will try these next time.

any reason not to buy seperate effects?
Cash. I simply don't have the money to buy a compressor, a noise
gate, a delay pedal, a reverb pedal, a chorus pedal, etc...
Also, one pedal is handy because you can control everything more


boss gt-5 is the greatest out of the gt series imo


boss gt-5 is the greatest out of the gt series imo

even against gt-8?

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Turbo Rico

I had the Pod XT Live for a few years and I liked it. I did try that as an FX-pedal infront of my amp/head but that didnt work, don´t know why?? Sounded shit. But as a preamp the Pod XT is really good and for homerecordings and just play at home with headphones it´s a great tool, IMO. I don´t know anything about the new PodX3 but from what I heard that thing is better, check that out...


I had the Pod XT Live for a few years and I liked it. I did try that as an FX-pedal infront of my amp/head but that didnt work, don´t know why?? Sounded shit. But as a preamp the Pod XT is really good and for homerecordings and just play at home with headphones it´s a great tool, IMO. I don´t know anything about the new PodX3 but from what I heard that thing is better, check that out...

Try it in the loop.

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it'd cost a little bit more but I'd go for a G-major and a simple midi pedal like the Rocktron midi exchange. Bought one for my 5150II and will never buy anything else. Crystal clear and actually pretty easy to use. I do understand the convience of a floor based muti-effects though. Just not for live shit. Beer and multi effects units dont mix.

Bridge The Void

Line6 stompbox modelers.

Just getting the MM4 and the DL4 will give you any 4 modulation effects and any 3 delays at your feet...of course, there are 16 mods in the MM4 and 15 delays in the DL4. Thats a lot of effects for 2 small units.

Or alternatively, wait (and save up whilst you're waiting) for the M13 to come out. That's pretty much stompbox pwnage right there.


digitech GNX series has millions of effects


I'd base it on your rig. If you've got a good tube amp, get individual pedals. If you've got a solid state amp, or just a practice amp, get a POD... I don't know, the GNX might be better, but I know the POD is pretty damn good :)


Thanks all.
I will compare the Boss GTs to the Line 6 Pods. I could also check out the TD G-Major.
Oh and, I have a solid state Peavey XXL with a Marshall 1960 Cab. Pretty damn good for a solid state.


I'm currently debating on the same thing.. Although after trying a few pedals out, I'm going to say separete is probably the best way to go, you can really hone in on the individual tones that way. Currently I just use a TS9 and it does all my dirty work but as I get better at soloing, they are all sounding the same. ;)

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