Spider Valve 212 or Peavy ValveKing 212

I know I dont need a half stack as of right now.....I'm still learning to play but my Marshall MG10CD is getting a little boring.....so if you guys had to choose what would it be?

Personally, id go with the ValveKing as the effects on the Spider Valve didnt inpress me much, bud i am pretty spoilt witt stomp-boxes and my X3.

Altho for that ammount of money id also think about maybes a ENGL Thunder Drive Combo with a little more money added as well.


Personally, id go with the ValveKing as the effects on the Spider Valve didnt inpress me much, bud i am pretty spoilt witt stomp-boxes and my X3.

Altho for that ammount of money id also think about maybes a ENGL Thunder Drive Combo with a little more money added as well.

The SV on the "Crunch" settings with an OD pedal in front is pretty impressive...


I like the Spider Valve. Very nice tone, loud, simple, intuitive useful effects. The only drawback that I saw is like Imperium said: the effects might leave a bit to be desired if you're a purist or if you're recording... but I only found that was true on high levels of the effects, if you use them sparingly they're great, imo.


Spidervalve mate. Impressive amp for the price

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