Anodised Parts?

Hey guys - was wondering. Do you know if there's any companies that specifically sell tuners/Bridges/Volumes etc in colours than chrome/gold/black etc. I've never seen anyone with anodised metals on their guitar and I've got an idea for a guitar that I think could look quite cool with red tuners/bridge/volume/straplocks. Maybe I should market the idea to gotoh/sperzel/schaller etc! :lol

maybe you should look around a bit, anodizes nickle gives either a brown or dark mirror chrome like effect, (what some around here call cosmo black), im not sure if i can be done on other metals though or how it would turn out.

other than that, i don't think solid colors like red or blur or green would be very hot.

maybe sandblasted to give the metals a flat ice effect, i would love to see pure iced nickle hardware, that would bit pure secks

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