peavey 6505

im looking to buy a peavey 5150, but would prefere to buy a new amp. is the 6505 much different?

5150 is higher gain. I said the 5150II has "better" gain. What I meant was that you can have the gain higher on the 5150II and still remain clear, to a degree anyway. With either amp if your gain is above 6.5, your pushing the limits. The 5150 with the gain at @5 would equal 5150II with gain @7. These amps sound great IMHO with lower gain settings and higher volume. My gain is at 5.5 and post is 3-3.5. Stays clear and tight. Of course it's all personal taste. If I didnt want to use a noise gate I like the gain at 4.5 to 5. Still plenty of gain there.




yeah, thats us. Have you heard us?


Yeah, I frequent the Orlando Metal Awards board myself... saw the name "gorsch" and put 2 and 2 together. Small world


no shit. Whats you name on there?


My name on the forum is Danny but I really don't post on there much, if at all. I really dig Nilmorta's stuff though. My band and your band will have to do a show together one day.


sweet, thanks for the compliment. We just got our new singer and are working with a guy for samples. We've never had samples before so we'll see how that works. Hopefully we'll be booking shows in a month or so. We havent done a show as Nilmorta in about a year and a half. I played with the band (un)Said for a short period too. You know how to find me, just PM me. I'm on the OMA board more offten then this one. Let me know if ya need anything. I know a lot of people in this area and we all help each other out. Whats the name of your band? You guys on myspace?


I've seen you guys. Think I did shows with you when I was in either 3rd limb or maybe Nilmorta before we split the first time, maybe not though. If you guys need a recording contact Corrupted Media on the OMA page. Talk to Shane. They did our 9 song demo for REAL cheap. I mean REAL cheap. Cant say exactly because we had a deal but you can afford it. Tell him Gorsch from Nilmorta sent ya.


Thanks dude. I appreciate the hookup but we're already halfway into this recording. If it doesn't turn out the way we hope i'll definitely get a hold of him. 3rd Limb? I wasn't in a band back when 3rd limb was playing shows but I did see you guys play. Good ole CJ was in that band, right?


yeah he was. If you do need another demo, ask for Brad actually. I saw him out Saturday night and mentioned you guys. He said he really likes you guys and would want to do it himself. Just PM me on either forum and I'll get you his number.


get the 6505+ IMO

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