POD (or similar) sugestions

The thought of a drum machine made me thinking about recording ideas on my computer. I have looked into stuff like the digitech workstation series and the line6 pod series. What I'm looking for is something that can record a decent guitar sound, and it need to have a built in drum machine so that I can hear what it really sounds like with a "band". Does any of the PODs feature a drum machine? I know the workstations from digitech does but I keep hearing that the pod is so much better..any sugestions on what to buy? thanks for any help I can get..:)
chevy Z 302

no i meant on the pictures i see on the net, i only see the 1 guitar in jack.

where to you plug the other guitar in for the 2 guitarist setup?

sorry should have been more clear.:o

edit: looks like it should fit fine in my extra board, hmmm.... its like 26x12

chevy Z 302

oh ok, i misread.

Yea the case is about 5.5" from bottom of board to top of case, ie with lid closed.

I'll continue to look into both. If it will fit within that case than my mind is much closer to being made up.

found this on through one of your competitors, line6 forum, X3 Live Dimensions: 21.5" wide x 2.6" tall x 9.2" deep.

who needs a L6 forum when we have mike? i dont. except for the above before mike told me whats up.

x3 live should fit just fine in this board i already have....hmmm maybe i need one more than i thought previously.

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