Logo: Silkscreen, Decal, Vinyl? Old ESP logo?

Logo: Silkscreen, Decal, Vinyl? Old ESP logo?

Hi guys,

so I bought that ESP "KH-2" Custom from 1993 a year ago and it already had the damaged ESP block logo. I am thinking about a refinish. I have read in another thread (I think it was a statement from Pushead) that they refinish the headstock in the custom shop, of course.

But apart from that, looking at the damaged logo I was wondering, whether the logo was a silkscreen, a vinyl "rub-on" or a waterslide decal? Does anyone know how it was done back then in the early 90s? I understand that now they usually use a vinyl rub-on sticker that is then clear coated (saw that in one of their factory tour videos on youtube, can't recall which video exactly, though).


One more thing: Also, in another thread someone stated that, unfortunately, ESP cannot make the old logo anymore. What does that mean? I am assuming that this refers to the distinct "loudspeaker" part of the letter "E" in the old ESP logo? If so, i can hardly imagine that ESP won't be able to reproduce that logo. I rather think - if that is true - that ishas been a deliberate decision to drop the old early 90s logo.


Any thoughts on the above two issues? Appreciate your help.


Best Regards from Germany,



I'm not exactly sure what I would have said, but that doesn't seem right. These M-II Deluxe guitars (the ones that look like KH-2s, but with ESP Custom at the head stock) weren't actually made in the custom shop. It was just a production model for a 2-3 year period in 92-93 before the KH-2 model was officially introduced.

The logo on this guitar is a water slide. They still make and use these logos. It is difficult to get a legitimate one unless you're having the refinish done at ESP.

Andreas R.

Thank you, Pushead!

Hello Andreas! I think your decision to drop or improve the old early 90s logo is right. Because updating is always cool. I know where you can find different marvelous Infographics. https://masterbundles.com/graphics/logos/ - a site that offers a huge amount of design tools.I’m confident, that it will be useful for you.


I don't think that logo damage is bad at all. those kinds of things happen. if you can learn to live with or even appreciate it that would probably be the best and easiest course of action.

Peter Virdee

Hii this is peter virdee , recently i joined this forum. Really this forum is amazing for the guitars and thank you for sharing the details here.

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