Horizon Carve Differences?

Are there any differences in the amount of carve Horizons have? It seems like the carve is more drastic in the Horizon I, and even between I's\II's it seems like there are differences, although I guess it could just be lighting since I'm just looking at pictures. Does anyone know anything definitive?

It looks like the carves are different to me to. The older ones look like the carve has more of an edge where the new ones that edge is more rounded. At least thats the way I see them.


There are differences. If you look at the NT-II, the sculpt on the upper horn is different than a custom. The bevel on the custom fades in gradually to where the body meets the fretboard rather than ending a little futher out and curving up. It also extends a little lower and further into the pickup area. The carve on the old models is a little sharper and more pronounced.

The shape of the upper horn has also varied, where it was like a Jackson Soloist, then it was changed to be a little more rounded on the inside and angled a little more inward. Now it's back to the Jackson style look. There are two different sculpts on the lower horn. One is the type seen on the NT-II, and in some cases, such as on some customs and some bolt on horizons, it has a more pronounced ridge.

Then there's the sculpt type that's seen on some M-IIs, where it's very deep, but the ridge isn't centered on the horn, but rather follows the inside edge.


GFunky - we need moar Flank shots!

Also, I'll have your Yeller and the Gobstopper! Ta! :)


Love that yellow custom funkmeister :hat...


that yellow banger could cure erectile disorders the world over. W(hen)TF did you get that??


What Duncans did you put in it?


Distortion / Jazz

In this guitar, I like the Distortion, not so much the Jazz.


The Jazz 'too clean' for you?


I'm disappointed with the lack of bolts. :(


You'll have to make do with the ones in yer head, Pusenstein. Are they loose again?

The Kiko sig = awesome. I just don't dig the Standard style cut-in carve on the bass side/upper horn.


You'll have to make do with the ones in yer head, Pusenstein. Are they loose again?

The Kiko sig = awesome. I just don't dig the Standard style cut-in carve on the bass side/upper horn.

It looks like the custom shop version on the bottom has the horn carve that you like (I do too).

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All I have to add is....



Moar please. Not enough informations, mate.


More piccles HERE
'tis the STD version

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Awesome! :D \m./

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