
Hello boys,

I purchased this beautiful ESP KH2 PSP from the legend Shane at BMusic here in Australia around August or September last year.

I work 6 days a week, 12+ hour shifts so haven't had the time to open the box to take a look at this guitar until today.

It definitely looks, feels and plays amazing! I can't believe I let this thing sit around for 8 months or so lol.

I still can't take nice pics of my guitars, so I apologise for the crappy pics. These pics do not do the sparkle paint any justice, it's beautiful. 

Hopefully I have time tomorrow or the next day to take this guitar to a mates place to play it, along with as many other Hammett guitars I can fit in the back of her car lol.

Hope you enjoy the pics my friends.


So I'm curious Pap; what do you think of the BBs compared to the old trusty 81/60 setup of many years? 

ESP 348

Shit, forgot to mention the BB pickups! Thanks for reminding me man.

Ok, my mate and I could hear the difference in them compared to the 81/60 combo in the white Ouija and the 81/81 combo in the Relic.

We played the PSP and white Ouija back to back a few times to confirm this. Back and forth, we both took turns playing through his Kemper.

We both agreed that the BB pickups have more clarity, especially in the bridge pickup.

Now, do I like the BB pickups more than he regular 81/81 or 81/60 combo? Meh.............didn't really bother me to be honest.

I can see how a little more clarity live on stage in a band mix would help, which is probably why Kirk helped design them this way.

But playing at home, they didn't really get me all excited like I thought they would. They sound amazing of course, but nothing too crazy compared to the regular EMGs if you ask me.


That makes a lot of sense. I have a hetset loaded in a gibson explorer, and then the pre-lawsuit MX250 with 81/81. I find there's a bit more presence in the hetset, which also drives the pre-amp a little harder. But, being a sucker for Puppets/Justice tours, I love me some 81/81 and 81/60 action

Would love to hear the new Ouija's w/ the BBs next to the white/natural etc. too if you do some recordings! 

ESP 348

No worries brother, I will see what I can do.

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