hi i'm new

hi i'm new


I'm French living in Luxembourg, I look at the forum for a few years without daring to write!

it's time to get started !!!

I'm a fan of Metallica but not that, and I love guitars Esp !!!

the forum is great and it's nice to see so many passionate !!

I will post some pictures of my collection

Ps : excuse me for my English


Welcome Fred, nice to see you here!  I’m sure the other members will love your great collection!


Bienvenu sur le forum ! n'hésite pas à poster des photos de ton matos, et à enrichir ton album photo ! Et si tu as des questions, utilise l'outil de recherche d'abord et ensuite n'hésite pas à nous les poser !

Bonne journée !



bienvenue voisin frontalier

ESP 348

Welcome to the forum man.


Welcome aboard Fred.  Enjoy your stay.

Vadesne  F.

Thank you for the welcoming !

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